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BABY CARE - Système automatique d’allaitement

Baby Care is an automatic milk feeding system that distributes fresh milk in a farrowing unit. The system ensures that all piglets have enough milk. When the piglets have constant access to milk, it results in a higher weight at weaning. When the piglets are 1 kilo heavier at weaning, they have a faster growth after weaning and this gives a higher survival rate.

When the amount of piglets per litter is increased, it is important to ensure that all the piglets get access to enough milk in order to reduce the mortality.
Baby Care supplies extra milk, so the piglets can drink both the sow's milk and the milk powder. It means you avoid having extra nursing sows, and thus reduce the amount of farrowing pens, your production costs and save man-hours.

  • 1-2 extra piglets per sow per year
  • Plus 1 kg per pig at weaning
  • Higher survival rate
  • Less medicine consumption
  • Good hygiene
  • Fewer nursing sows

Below you can see the interview with Nicolai Greffel, Isgård Gods Pig Production ApS, Denmark, 900 sows.

Baby Care Milk Feeding System:

Baby Care Milk Feeding System:

Maintenance and daily operation:

Maintenance and daily operation:
Capacity700 farrowing pens
Drinking cupsMax 50 per curcuit
Milk temperatureApprox. 20°C
Milk powder consumption130 g / 1 liter water
Adjustment of the recipesTouch screen with the user-friendly interface

In the corridor between farrowing departments, there is one forward line and one return line.

There are manual valves to select either Water or Milk for the piglets. Besides, there are valves for circuit cleaning.

It is always possible to find the consumption in the system via the corresponding touch screen. Touch color display enabling all operations with your finger tip.

You can monitor the consumption of both water, milk and soap products.